Monday, April 5, 2010

Repetition of an old post

In 2008 I've written a post about interesting security technique. Then, I've removed it exactly until April and I know that no more than one person was able to read it and that it completely disappeared from the network. I now reminded myself about the technique. I found it quite useful. It's about safety. Basically, there are threats that require extremely sophisticated conditions to fully arise. When you defend yourself from them, you may find it playful. You may even find your self-value to rise. But then, there are threats that aren't so sophisticated. They can basically always catch you. This is the time to return to the ground. It's the social engineering! So how to defend from it? In my opinion there is only one answer: be aware of the consequences of your actions, and take into account possible actions of the people that you share your safety with. Read more here.

read more!